Friday, February 5, 2010

Wow! What a week!

This week just flew by as busy and stressful as it was. The best part of it I must say was my placement. I LOVE my placement school and most of all my mentor teacher!! She is only a year older than me which is awesome because she just finished the program so she still can remember what I'm going through. Also, even though I have to call her Ms. in front of the students she wants me to call her by first name when it's just us which I just think is cool. She is also engaged and a fellow future June bride like myself only she's getting married this year. She's already helping me think about my future with the school by talking about people she can introduce me to since it's all about WHO you know she found out and not really what you know.

My kids are awesome! The second day I was already getting a beaded necklace from one of the girls who had had a birthday the first day and a sticker from another student. They are so much more polite and mannerly than my last placement school and they constantly want to love on me and be loved in return which I am MORE than willing to do!

School work was so much this week! One project in particular had me going crazy this week because I kept having computer problems. I do like my teacher's theory that she wanted to have the hardest project at the beginning of the semester so it just got easy from here on out and make our other classes easier on us all. Another reason why I am glad this teacher is also my supervising teacher for my placement.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!'s finally here..the BIG GAME! I always look forward to Super Bowl every year for many reasons. One, I just LOVEEE football! Two, paaarrrttaaaayyyy! This will be our fifth year of hosting the annual party at our house for our church family and friends..just makes sense when you have a 72 inch big screen TV, pool table, arcade games, and plenty of space. ;) I do wish my Cowboys would've made it, but this way if the Saints win the Super Bowl then we can say we beat the winning team. So anyways, later today I'll be making the drive home to Brenham after my student teaching meeting to help with all the cleaning and other preparations as well as finally be able to get some quality time with my baby. I've been lucky seeing him so far with him taking classes in Bryan near me, but it was a tough week for both of us so we couldn't.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!