Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why I'm Excited It's March!!

First, I'll start by giving a late weekend recap..Friday I spent all day getting ready for Saturday which was our engagement picture day!! I got my nails done, hair done, spray tan...the works!! I was so excited!!

Saturday morning rolls around and it's foggy and cloudy. I kept hoping by the time we finished our pre-marital counseling that the skys would clear up but it just started to get worse. :( By the time it was time to meet at the George Bush Library for our first round of pictures it had started sprinkling. We still took some pictures until the rain started getting harder. We changed location ideas and went to the historic La Salle Hotel in downtown Bryan for some indoor pictures. My hair was starting to fall and especially when we took some shots outside, we finally had to call it quits. Thomas and Erika were so nice and apologetic and were happy to reschedule the rest of our pictures in a few weeks. They were excited about several pictures and they said they should be posted soon so I can share with all of you!

NOW....Why I'm excited it's MARCH!!


Man, I would love this cake!!

It's also my Mom's (March 3rd) and my sister's (March 25th) birthdays!!

2. Bachelor Finale on my birthday!!

Most awesome present would be....


(and a finale watching birthday party!)

3. Bluebonnets and Bridals!! :)

I'll be taking my bridals once the bluebonnets come out..which is what I've always wanted to do!

4. Pay off our honeymoon!

What our suite should kinda look like ;)

5. Will finally hit less than 100 days til the wedding!

Have a great week everyone!!


  1. So many exciting things going on! Yay! Enjoy your birthday month!

  2. Happy Birthday Month!! I can't wait for the Bachelor finale either!

  3. Your honeymoon looks and sounds exciting!! Especially that suite!!! :) Yay for your upcoming birthday!
