Sunday, July 18, 2010

Graduation Bound and Sister Update!!

Sorry it has been a few days since I've posted but I have been working my behind off to officially be set for Texas A&M University graduation!! I'm so happy that it is less than a month from graduation day and, for me, ring day too!! Since the actual Ring Day isn't until September and I graduate August 13th, A&M has set it up where graduates can get their rings the day of the ceremony. Only problem is my ceremony for education degrees is at 9 in the morning and we have to line up 45 minutes before :( Thankfully the ring office opens at 7:30 I just don't look forward to waking up so early to be there, but I know it'll be worth it!

My sister is doing pretty well! For those who haven't read my earlier posts about her, my sister has been in the hospital for over 5 months now, waiting on a heart and lungs transplant. We had a pretty upsetting week last week when we found out she could have had the surgery because 2 donors came available for her. Problem was she did not have the central line IV in her neck called a swan. She had one in for the first half of her hospital stay, but developed a staph infection so they had to take it out. We've always been told since then that if a donor became available they could quickly put the swan back in her neck and be ready for surgery, but it was a lie. Now, she does have the swan back in her neck and she is back in the CCU/ICU area. This means she should be getting something PRAYERFULLY soon! The doctor is very optimistic that something will. We had a donor the doctors thought night before last but unfortunately it did not work for her.

Thank you for those who have been praying and please continue to pray for me, my sister MAINLY, and my family! I know that God has great things in store for my sister once this is all over and that everything is in His timing!

Being silly!!

1 comment:

  1. Bet your getting so excited for graduation! Still praying for your sister!
