Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 28: Books

Before I get started on today's blog challenge, I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and encouragement about my job interview yesterday! I have a really great feeling about it and they told me that they should have a decision by the end of the week. So hopefully I'll have good news for the wrap up to the blog challenge!!

Day 28: Books

I mainly have favorite authors instead of favorite books. I do have a few favorite books though. :)

Yes, maybe a little cheesy but truthfully it is my favorite book :)

I did fall into the Twilight trap like many did and I will probably always want to keep these in my library

My favorite author would have to be Lori Wick. I grew up reading her Christian fiction romance novels starting in about 4th grade and I have read almost all her books. I would strongly recommend you check her out if you haven't already. Here's some of my favorites of hers.


A book that I would recommend more than anything is this one...

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is one of the greatest books about true love and the power of repentance and forgiveness. This book can get very deep, but I think everyone should read it!


  1. i fell into the twilight trap too!! but seeing as how i had already confessed to my love of harry potter in my list i figured i should leave my love for bella and edward for another day =) p.s. i'm glad to hear your interview went well -- my fingers are definitely crossed!!

  2. Love, love, love Twilight! Team Edward all the way. :)

  3. hey, my comments not here - screwy internet!!! anyhow, came by again to tell you I tried to get battlefield of the mind from my local library - no luck! everyone loves her!!! have a great! :D, Mercy
